Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Digital Literacy and Information Fluency

Animal Planet.

Purpose of the site

Animal Planet uploads different stories and videos of various animal species discovered all over the world. This website explains to us on the research topics, as well as what we (as the audience) find interesting during a particular time phrase, this can be the existence of Mermaids for instance.

Mermaids: the Body Found, Animal Planet brings viewers into the world where the legend is real. The film blends real-life events and phenomena with the story of two scientists who testify they found the remains of a never-before-identified sea creature. Spectacular CGI animates a world where mermaids really do swim below the water's surface, cooperatively hunt with dolphins and may continue to survive in an intricate society where they stay hidden in fear of their Earth-bound relatives (Animal Planet, n.d.).

The Process

  1. Ask: For this research I had to ask the right appropriate question to acquire meaningful information. On the website I searched for 'Mermaids' which gave me a lot of information on them.
  2. Acquire: I acquired the information about Mermaids on Animal Planet. (website:
  3. Analyse: First things first I had to understand the term of what a Mermaid is. I then had to conduct my research in an appropriate and logical manner.
  4. Apply: With the findings I have, I then applied the information at hand on my blog where people following me can view more information about Mermaids.
  5. Access: As a researcher and a student, I was quite well impressed and satisfied with my findings and my questions towards Mermaids were answered.

The Public’s Response

Under the issue of Mermaids, different opinions and beliefs were seen. For some, they believed Mermaids do not exist but that they are only associated with cultural beliefs. They believe that this is a myth that has been passed on from generation to generation by our forefathers. Some believe that they exist and are real. Though some wish to see them in reality, they are pretty much curious of what they would do to them. This is backed up by one comment which was posted on the site, it read; " WILL LOVE TO SEE A REAL MERMAID IN MY LIFE TIME JUST DEAD THAN IT CAN NOT HURT ME SOME TIMES I WONT TO BE A MERMAID BUT JUST A LITTLE BIT CUTER THAN THEM."

The opinion of the success or lack there of Animal Planet's campaign

Even though I have never seen or spotted one on my own, I personally think mermaids do exist and are real. The evidence seen on the website is very convincing especially the video posted under the title 'Mermaid Sighting in Kiryat Yam.'

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